Manage Permissions with Imagen 📕

This guide will introduce the hierarchical structure of the Imagen ACL (Access control lists) and how to delegate access to platform functionality.



Users accessing your platform after registration will have a unique user account, which will identify the level of access they have to the content on your platform. This will grant the user an account management page, from which they can view Collections.  If you have set up a 'Payment Model', they can also view their Media Orders or Subscription settings.

Access to content is delegated through the user's individual permissions or those inherited from a Group, Department, or Organisation membership.  


Groups help you manage users in bulk, assigning both platform permissions and visibility of media via Access Control Lists (ACL) on records and media.


Organisations are a top-level way to assign permissions to users within one or many groups. SSO can be used by linking an Identity Provider (IDP), which will allow you to map users to groups or departments based on their SAML attributes. 


Departments exist within an Organisation, working in a very similar way to Groups. Users in a department may have arrived there due to attributes in their SSO. This allows for bulk management of what a department within that Organisation should have access to. 

Managing User Accounts


Users accessing your platform after registration will have a unique user account, which will Identify the level of access they have to the content on your platform.


Managing Groups


Managing Organisations

Create an organisation



Managing Departments


Managing ACL on Records and Media