Need to diagnose an issue or just see what is possible, here is the full Imagen XML reference
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- To add role permissions -->
<Role Rights="r">Everyone</Role>
<Role Rights="rw"></Role>
<Role Rights="read" RoleID="0"></Role>
<Role Rights="readwrite" RoleID="1"/>
<!-- to remove role permissions -->
<ACL Merge="1">
<Role RoleID="0" Rights="0"/>
<Role RoleID="1" Rights="0"/>
<MediaObject Version="3" ID="-1" MediaType="Video"> <!-- "Video","Audio","Image","Social","Document" -->
<!-- ID = media id (-1 for new). Version should be 3 (latest version) -->
<!-- To add role permissions -->
<Role Rights="r">Everyone</Role>
<Role Rights="rw"></Role>
<Role Rights="read" RoleID="0"></Role>
<Role Rights="readwrite" RoleID="1"/>
<!-- to remove role permissions -->
<ACL Merge="1">
<Role RoleID="0" Rights="0"/>
<Role RoleID="1" Rights="0"/>
<BaseDownloadCost></BaseDownloadCost> <!-- Cost in credits of this media (0-free, -1-unavailable) -->
<BaseTimecode></BaseTimecode> <!-- Must be a valid timecode for the timecode mode used -->
<Duration></Duration> <!-- This is the duration of the media object in frames or samples. Using the Rate data, it should be possible to convert to seconds -->
<KeyFrame></KeyFrame> <!-- This is the frame number of the primary still frame counting from the start of the media object timeline for the source of the frame -->
<KeyFrameTimecode></KeyFrameTimecode> <!-- This is the timecode of the primary still frame, if this is set then base timecode must also be set, along with either the media object rate or timecode mode -->
<Name></Name> <!-- Name of this media object -->
<ParentId></ParentId> <!-- ID of parent media object (if this is a segment) -->
<ProcessingCostPerSecond></ProcessingCostPerSecond> <!-- Cost per second in credits for processing this media -->
<Rate></Rate> <!-- Frame rate of the media object for video\P2 in frames per second (e.g. 25), or sample rate for audio in samples per second (e.g. 44100) -->
<State></State> <!-- (ONLY SET ON SOCIAL TYPE) one of "new", "processing", "archived", "failed", "unknown" -->
<TimecodeFormat></TimecodeFormat> <!-- one of "Generic", "Smpte_24", "Smpte_25", "Smpte_30_Drop", "Smpte_30_NonDrop", "Invalid" This should appear before any timecodes -->
<MediaElement MediaType="" Index="" ProfileID="nnnn"> <!-- ProfileID specifies the ID of the profile (used for originals) that should be used for this file -->
<Duration></Duration> <!-- Number of frames/samples of this media element to show -->
<EndTimecode></EndTimecode> <!-- Timecode string of last frame to show, if this element was created for Tape ingest where frame rate is not yet known then this is used -->
<InTimecode></InTimecode> <!-- Timecode of the first frame or sample in the file -->
<OriginalFile></OriginalFile> <!-- UNC path\url of the original file -->
<StartTimecode></StartTimecode> <!-- Timecode string of StartOffset, if this element was created for Tape ingest where frame rate is not yet known then this is used) -->
<TotalDuration></TotalDuration> <!-- Number of frames/samples of the whole media element - if a snippet, this will be more than the duration, if not it will be the same -->
<OutTimecode></OutTimecode> <!-- Timecode of the last frame or sample in the file -->
<StartOffset></StartOffset> <!-- First frame/sample of the media element to show -->
<Language></Language> <!-- Language code, for example if file is subtitles -->
<VideoCodec></VideoCodec> <!-- Video codec -->
<AnnotationType></AnnotationType> <!-- comma separated. can be "none", "geo", "fuzz", "mute", "subtitle", "spacial" or "chapter"-->
<Bottom></Bottom> <!-- between 0 and 1 million-->
<Colour></Colour> <!-- int -->
<Confidence></Confidence> <!-- Confidence should be between 0 and 100 -->
<CostMultiplier></CostMultiplier> <!-- double -->
<EndPoint></EndPoint> <!-- int64 frame number -->
<Latitude></Latitude> <!-- double -->
<Left></Left> <!-- between 0 and 1 million-->
<Longitude></Longitude> <!-- double -->
<MuteChannels></MuteChannels> <!-- CSV list of channel numbers to mute -->
<Rating></Rating> <!-- a star rating of how valuable this annotation is between 0 and 15-->
<Right></Right> <!-- between 0 and 1 million-->
<ReferenceMediaID></ReferenceMediaID> <!-- ID of the media object which contains an image or other media which coincides with this point on the timeline -->
<Tags></Tags> <!-- This is layer name for the annotation -->
<Top></Top> <!-- between 0 and 1 million-->