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Imagen Query Language Guide 📕

Customise user navigation and engagement with metadata-driven recommendations. Imagen query language gives you control over what appears, and how

Imagen Query Language is the syntax for various Imagen platform configurations such as:

  • The Media Viewer Widget
  • The Carousel Widget
  • The Related Records View

Configurations will present differently to each user based on the privacy & access controls of records & media rather than the user's individual viewing history and interaction with your system. This means you can own & control what appears to them. 

How this could look:

Press Association Media

use multiple Media Viewer Widgets on their homepage to showcase the latest content available for different uses by their clients (Newsroom Ready & Consumer Ready) (Above)

The Premier League

use Related Records on the record page of a piece of media to show the other matches the Home Team have played at home, from most recent to oldest. (Left)



German film distributor Progress use a Carousel on their homepage to link to featured records (Below)
