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Field Types and Record Schema 📕 

Read on to learn how record data can be configured. With a variety of field types to choose from, these fields are used to construct your record schema.

Field attributes

First, let's take a look at what makes up a field. Each field will be created with the following attributes:  

Field Name

The name of the field. (Field Name can be the same value as the primary language Display Name.)

Display Name

The name of the field, as it will be displayed to users. (Display Name translations for multiple languages can be added.)


Field type determines what sort of data can be stored in this field.


Field class determines which class this field belongs to.


This is the placeholder text, as it will be displayed to users.

Inline Help

The help text shown for this field.

Content Language

The language of this field.

Default Value

This is the default value for the field if no data is entered when the record is created. For numerical fields, ensure this is a number.

Parent Field

This is the parent field that controls how this field is displayed when a record is edited.


Read-only This field cannot be changed when creating records
Mandatory This field is required to create a record
Multiline This field will allow for multiline text input
Unique The value of this field must not match any existing records. This could be used for an external GUID


Field Types

Now that we understand the underlying attributes that constitute each field, let's take a look at the different field types that are available:


This field is a free-text field, that can hold any Text or Numbers


This is a standard Date field, that will be recorded in the database as [yyyy-mm-dd]


This is a standard Datetime field, that will be recorded in the database as [yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss]

Single Select

With this field, you can choose one unique value from a list of predefined terms

Multi Select

With this field, you can choose multiple unique value from a list of predefined terms


Unlike the single and multi-select fields, the CSV (comma separated values) field can accept new values to populate the database. 


This is a standard Time field, that will be recorded in the database as [hh:mm:ss]


This field will hold numerical values only


This field holds unique values, where no two records can hold the same value. This could be used to integrate legacy GUID data

Imagen record classes

Title The title field is shown on each page, in the same place, and with the same styling.
Date The master date field will be shown on each page in the same way as the Title class. This can be very useful for searching and sorting.
Summary This field details the record, which can be very useful when searching, as this could provide a brief description of the media to a user whilst they browse your collection 


Record schema example

Here is a fully functional record schema example. This information could be passed to your Imagen contact to build the schema to your requirements.

If you could like to see how your data will translate to Imagen field types and classes please download Imagen's field mapping template


Field Name 

Display Name 

Field Type  




Film Title 



This is the main text field, used to quickly identify your media information


Film Synopsis 



This is a text field that could be useful for shorter descriptions (but with no imposed character limits) 


Full Summary 


This is a text field that could be used to include the full version of the description


Release Date 



This is a Date-time field that is often helpful when sorting and ordering records 


Production date 


You can add as many date or Date-time fields as required, even without a class 


Film Genre 

Single Select 

Single-select field (e.g., select one unique value from a predefined list) 


Film tags 


This field allows multiple selections from a predefined list 


Cast Members 

Multi Select 


This field also allows multiple selections which are not limited to a predefined list (i.e., new values can be added by users as free text). 


Custom field 1 


This is where you would place custom metadata. You can add as many as you need. 


Custom field 2 



👩‍🎓 Now you understand the Imagen Record Schema, follow this link to see how XML can be used to create records: Mapping Files & the Imagen XML Schema